Background knowledge
It is extremely important to ensure that you prepare thoroughly for the job you are applying for and that you spend time looking at a wide variety of schools. You may have in your mind the type of school you would like to work in i.e. this may be a large school or a small rural school, but try not to narrow your search and be open minded about the schools you visit. Make sure that you have a good look around the school website which will tell you about the curriculum the school follows, the policies school has and will give you an initial sense of what the school is like. If you get the chance it is also really helpful to go and visit the school and take the opportunity to meet the headteacher, the senior leadership team, teachers and pupils. Take time to look around the classrooms, look at the displays on the walls and look in the pupil’s books. Ask questions of the senior leadership team which will help when the school receive your application form and remind them of the great conversation and discussion they had with you. Working on supply is a great way to ‘try before you buy’ and allows you to spend time working in a variety of schools to find out what works best for you. Link here to find out more about working on supply in primary schools -